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Master Gage Calibration
Plain cylindrical master gages are calibrated in Western’s state-of-the-art gage lab.

Size determinations are made by transfer measurement using electronic comparators and laboratory grade chromium carbide or ceramic reference standards.

Special temperature instrumentation ensures that thermal errors are not present in the measurement.

Reference standards used for calibration are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.) Calibrations are done using test methods and equipment conforming to ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI/NCSL-Z540-1.

Gage Engineering… Western’s engineering staff has extensive experience in the design of dimensional gages, instrumentation, precision components and automated inspection systems.

Precision Grinding… Ultra precise grinding equipment with high resolution digital readouts are used to finish gage members.

Hard Chrome Plating & Heat Treating… Western’s in-house capabilities include the hard chrome plating & heat treating of gage members.

Gage Lapping… Master gages are finished in Western’s temperature controlled gage lab where proprietary I.D., O.D. and flat lapping equipment are utilized for finishing operations.
